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Effective Testing with RSpec 3

Start by learning the basics of installing and using RSpec.

What is “Effective Testing with RSpec 3” about?

Start by learning the basics of installing and using RSpec. Then build a real-world JSON API, using RSpec throughout the process to drive a BDD-style outside-in workflow. Apply an effective test strategy to write fast, robust tests that support evolutionary design through refactoring. The rest of the book provides the definitive guide to RSpec’s components. Use rspec-core’s metadata to slice and dice your spec suite.

Who should read “Effective Testing with RSpec 3”?

For beginner and experienced programmers

What will you learn in “Effective Testing with RSpec 3”

Dig into rspec-expectations’ matchers: compose them in flexible ways, specify expected outcomes with precision, and diagnose problems quickly with the help of good failure messages. Write fast, isolated tests with rspec-mocks’ test doubles while pushing your code toward simpler interfaces.