All Books about Ruby and Ruby on Rails

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kieran andrews, rebecca le, robin klaus, ryan bigg

Active Rails

david b. copeland, sam ruby, dave thomas

Agile Web Development with Rails 6

david b. copeland, sam ruby, dave thomas

Agile Web Development with Rails 7

alexandre rousseau

API on Rails 6

brady somerville, adam gamble, cloves carneiro jr, rida al barazi

Beginning Rails 6

carleton dileo, peter cooper

Beginning Ruby 3

sabri saleh hassanyah

Black Hat Ruby

carleton diLeo

Clean Ruby

andrzej krzywda

Domain-Driven Rails

peter j. jones

Effective Ruby

myron marston, erin dees

Effective Testing with RSpec 3

andrew allen

Efficient Rails

marcin grzywaczewski

Frontend Friendly Rails

henning koch, thomas eisenbarth

Growing Rails Applications in Practice

jay mcGavren

Head First Ruby

karthikeyan a k

I love ruby

mark locklear, eric gruber

Learning Rails 5

paweł dąbrowski

Mastering CSV in Ruby

emmanuel hayford

Rad Ruby

marcin grzywaczewski

Rails meets React.js

chad fowler

Rails Recipes

andrzej krzywda

Responsible Rails

sabri saleh hassanyah

Ruby Kung Fu

sundeep agarwal

Ruby Regexp

obie fernandez

The Rails 5 Way

lucas dohmen, tom henrik aadland, obie fernandez

The Rails 7 Way

nicholas johnson

The Ruby Book

hal fulton, andré arko

The Ruby Way

richard laFranchi, bryan lim

Vue on Rails